Kryshchuk Mykola


Cabinet teacher

Accountable for direction: 

The introduction of information technology and automated systems engineering calculations in the educational process 


1978 - graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI). Was qualified as "a mechanical engineer and researcher." Postgraduate study KPI - 1980-1983, thesis for the degree of Ph.D. defended in 1984. Academic rank of Senior Scientist received in 1986. Doctoral "KPI" - 1990-1993, a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science by specialty 01.02.06 (05.02.09) defended in 2008. Academic rank of professor of the department of dynamics and durability of machines and resistance of materials "KPI" received in 2013

Takes his post science:

Since 1977

Direction of scientific researches:

Calculations of strength, reliability and durability of structural elements of highly thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, biomechanical systems osteosynthesis, the dynamic characteristics of the aircraft and missile technology. Development of methods for the calculation of related tasks elektrotermomehaniki and means of software for numerical simulation of coupled processes of different physical nature in nonlinear deformed continuous media with conductive and dielectric properties.


  • Information systems and technologies in aircraft building 1. Computer technologies of life cycle product support.
  • Information systems and technologies in aircraft building 2. Information technologies СAD/CAE.
  • Information systems and technologies in aircraft building. Information technologies in aircraft building.
  • Information systems and technologies in aircraft building. Information technology design and engineering analysis.
  • Modern design methods.
  • Methods of designing machines and constructions.
  • Mechanics of materials and constructions.


  1. Kryshchuk M., Masley V, Маshtabey А. The analysis of the thermodimensional stability of the composite honeycomb panel for the conditions of thermal loading of space apparatus. Mechanics and Advanced Technologies, 2019, Vol. 85, №1, p. 57-62
  2. Masley V., Kryshchuk M., Tsybenko A. Analysis of Harmonic Vibration Characteristics for a Composite Honeycomb Panel of the Spacecraft Scanner. Strength of Materials, July 2018,Vol. 50, Issue 4, pp 655–664
  3. Maslej V.N., Kryshchuk N.G. Opredelenie dinamicheskih harakteristik mnogoslojnyh ugleplastikovyh plastin konstrukcii skanera vysokogo razresheniya. Mechanics and Advanced Technologies, 2017, №80, s. 45-51; Url -;DOI -
  4. Maslej V.M., Kryshchuk M.G., Tsybenko O.S. Analіz mіcnostі kompozitnoї sotovoї panelі skanera kosmіchnogo aparatu pri garmonіchnіj vіbracії na etapі vivedennya na orbіtu. Mechanics and Advanced Technologies, Tom 1, № 82 (2018); Url -; DOI -
  5. Kryshchuk M., Lavendels J. Iterative Method for Solving a System of Linear Equations. Procedia Computer Science 104 (2017)p.133–137; Url –
  6. Kante N., Kryshchuk M., Lavendels J. Charged Particle Location Modeling Based Experiment Plan Acquisition Method. Procedia Computer Science 104 ( 2017 ) p.592 – 597,
  7. Malanchuk V., Palyvoda R., Kryshchuk M., Volovar O. Tree-dimensional computer modelling and stress-strain analysis of temporomandibular joint. EUREKA: Health Sciences», 2016, № 2, p.11-16
  8. Zbіrnik zadach z teorії jmovіrnostej: navchal'nij posіbnik z grifom MON Ukraїni dlya fahovoї pіdgotovki studentіv za specіal'nostyami “Dinamіka ta mіcnіst' mashin” ta “Komp’yuterna mekhanіka”/ Tsybenko O.S., Kryshchuk M.G., Tarasevich Y.A.–Sumy: Sums'kij derzhavnij unіversitet, 2013. – 246s
  9. Іmіtacіjne komp’yuterne modelyuvannya v shchelepno-licevіj hіrurgії / Malanchuk V.O., Kryshchuk M.G., Kopchak A.V., Navchal'nij posіbnik z grifom MONmolod'sportu ta MOZ Ukraini, Kiїv, 2013r, v redakcії vid-va Askanіya, 350s
  10. Finite element sampling of part models by means of CATIA software product. Part 4. Methodical recommendations for the implementation of a computer workshop in the discipline "Information Technology and Aircraft Systems" and "Modern Design Systems", Textbook “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, “Design office Juzhnoe", Kryshchuk M.G., Trubin A.V., Tertyshna N.F., Yeshchenko V.O. - K .: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2017. [Electronic resource]:


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Date of birth


